Our Services

Comprehensive Solutions for Your Special Education Needs

Family Icon


Comprehensive support for students with diverse learning needs.

School District Icon

School Districts

Professional development workshops.

Community Organizations Icon

Community Organizations

Partnerships and collaborative support.


Special Education Navigation

Support with IEP, BIP, and 504 Plan development, participation in CSE meetings, and assessment assistance to ensure your child receives the most appropriate educational resources.

Transition Planning

Preparing students for life after high school through tailored transition plans for post-secondary education, vocational training, or independent living, including support with OPWDD.

Dispute Mediation

Assisting families in resolving disputes over placements or accommodations with school districts to achieve the best outcomes for your child.

Assistive Technology Consultation

Providing guidance on integrating assistive technologies into educational plans to support your child's unique learning needs.

Behavior Management Support

Offering resources and strategies for managing behavior and developing positive behavioral intervention plans.


Professional Development Workshops

Providing workshops on inclusion, behavioral interventions, assistive technology, and compliance with legal requirements for educators.

BIP Development Assistance

Assisting schools in creating effective Behavior Intervention Plans to support students with unique behavioral needs.

Inclusive Classroom Strategies

Guiding educators in implementing inclusive practices and fulfilling Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) requirements.

Specialized Training for School Staff

Offering customized training on collaboration, IEP implementation, Nonviolent Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI), and creating accessible learning environments.

Interested in Our Services?

Contact us today to learn how we can support you or your organization.

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